Children Were Here: Christmas in Review in Photo

There's too much to say. One thing these photos won't portray is how I broke down in tears on Christmas Eve and cried into Sayler's beautiful quilt.  I blubbered uncontrollably. My eyes were puffy as I allowed my first world problems to overcome me coupled with the anxiety of last-minute planning for a party of 24. My emotions ran high with the sorrow of knowing I had to go to Costco on Christmas Eve. My angst and worry was at code red thanks to a small dose of a family feud that I not-so-secretly hope befalls most families during major holidays. But, alas, all of my weeping and feeling sorry for myself was made better by an extraordinary Christmas Day.

Some photos of a great day/night:

In photo: Me tripping out that my 11 year old nephew is this tall. Seriously. Tripping. Me. Out.

All my mom's grand kids and 2 great-grand kids. That's 15 walking messes!

My nieces, Monique and Ariel. They were a huge help to the set-up and clean-up efforts = on Santa's "Good" list. 

Sayler loves her cousin, Cambria (my niece), and only almost-smothered her with affection once. 

Does anyone need a panda this large?  Cheyanne loves pandas.

The kids thought so and gave that over-sized panda a good mauling.

The kind of stuff my mom gives as a gift to her 21 year old grandson (my nephew, Bret). Well played, Cory. Well played. 

Let's talk toys.  Is it just me or are these "pajama" dolls dressed in lingerie? What happened to sensible cotton, footed p-jams that don't accentuate thighs and breasts?

Highlights: Too many... But Ariel's amazing home-made Mac N' Cheese that I will be working off for the next 3 months; The spoiling of all my nieces and nephews and hearing them laugh; and mom's joy at receiving her gifts were among the best moments.

Oh... And having family members who "agreed" to take bags of trash home because I can't fit it all in my bins.  I'm sort of bossy.

Another successful Christmas. Another blog post to further procrastinate the sticky floors and chocolate handprints that need a scrubbing throughout this house. All this evidence that suggests: Children Were Here. 


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