This Reminds Me...

My husband came home one night recently and said, "there's this song that reminds me of you and Sayler"...

and I thought that was a thoughtful sentiment.  Because there are so many songs that remind me of people, and I will often tell them.

Just like how a million songs remind me of Ariel, including this Katy Perry song which takes me back to the day the album dropped.  Ariel and I cleaning my storage unit...  Her and I, doing the Charleston with the radio turned way up... and all other ill-fitting and old-fashioned dance moves reminiscent of Gatsby days there along the concrete driveway...  We dance a little lame sometimes. It's how people know we're related.

But the last time I remember someone saying a song reminded them of me was when Lizzy said Drops of Jupiter  reminded her of me (and, in turn, I think of her every time I hear it). That was over a decade ago.

and when Brian and I dated in the yesteryear and he said Nirvana's Something in the Way reminded him of me.  That was over 15 years ago.  And that was an odd choice that I still, to this day, need some explanation on.

But here's another one.  Cloud Cult's You Were Born. Thanks to Lujan for sharing this band/song with Lloyd so he could share it with me.


Unknown said…
In my defense of the "hello kitty" mistaken identity pic; the neighbor does look a hell of a lot like you, hair and body shape wise...I bet if you asked a bunch of folks (who haven't seen you in a string top)they'd agree with me! Make it a scientific study!
I hope you have a really lovely holiday!

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