In Budapest

As we pulled into the city streets of Budapest our eyes widened with glee.  We passed the Danube river, which is wide and expansive and glimmers off the lights that reflect onto its waters.  Tonight we will cruise down the Danube river, which is the 2nd largest river in Europe. 

I never really knew Budapest was in the country of Hungary- I just thought it was its own tiny country that existed somewhere in the great wide world.  And the difference between Budapest and Bucharest meant nothing to me (although they are about a bigillion miles apart).

Today is Christmas day here and I feel there is no where else I would rather be.   Of course, the holidays without family might seem strange, but I am delighting in this opportunity to enjoy the quiet time I have sharing a beautiful holiday with my husband and not having to share it with anyone else, for just this one year.  Selfish as it may seem... we deserve this.

Next year we will have a little one to celebrate it with which delights us so.  For the first time this week I felt the swimmer doing somersaults as I sat in bed after a long visit to the Jewish Quarter (amazing) in Prague, eating a orange.  My little one loves Europe and citrus fruit just as much as mommy, and that is all I could possibly want this holiday season.

Tonight as we ride down the Danube, this is what we will witness,

Merry Christmas, dear friends.  With love, Cambria (and 1/2) and Lloyd


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