
Showing posts from July, 2014

These Conversations, Part 2

Last week: Me (As I was cleaning, from a distant part of home upon realizing my daughter had been quiet for far too long): "Sayler... Hey, what are you doing?..." Her: "It was an accident..." Yesterday: Sayler (randomly and without incident):   "Mommy... are you mad wif me?" Mommy:  "No, baby, I'm not mad at you..." Sayler: "Oh... maybe tomorrow...." And This morning: Me (quite frustrated):  "SAYLERRRRR, mommy said to put the tops back on your markers!" Her: "Oh, don't worry 'bout it..." Me: (irrationally trying to argue): "Yes, I am worried about it!" Her (casually): "Oh, it's okay mommy, don't worry 'bout it..." Me (growing ever more impatient): "It's not okay!" Her (still cool and collected): "It's okay, mommy, don't worry 'bout it..." Rinse. Lather. Repeat. Ooph! This girl is quite lovely but her nonch

This Niece

This niece has always made me proud.  She is good at everything she tries, she is kind and mature beyond her years and she is lovely.  This post made my day: And I thought this was great... To a beautiful and full week ahead... 


It is Sunday. The day started with a 7 a.m. run that was preceded by a run-in with another early-bird neighbor. I cheered to Dale my 6:45 "good morning!", to which he smiled widely. I knew then, as I watched the humorous grin widen across his face that I had yelled too loudly the greeting, unwittingly, over the sound of my iPod that was set to some dance shuffle. It was early.  There was a remnant cool air leftover from the desert's nightly rendezvous with grey clouds and a tease of a summer storm that was never realized. Despite the world sleeping in, leaving Dale and I alone on Blackberry Drive, I was enthusiastic. I felt the energy and inspiration that I usually reserve for a late night jog through the park envelop me as I warmed my muscles for an unchartered trek through our neighborhood. At one point I found myself quite far- in one of the distant reaches I knew my husband wouldn't approve of. It was the desolate area where blight had taken ov

50 Shades of Indifference

Okay, I read the books so I think I can safely have an opinion that reflects my indifference and lack of interest in the 50 Shades movie. I might have rolled my eyes as I watched the scenes unfold on my laptop. I might have gotten into overly-lengthy discussions with my wonderfully beautiful and intelligent girlfriends about what makes a man sexy (on Facebook, of course- as it is the CNN of all intelligent social conversations...) And even though my horoscope says I am about to have a rockin' weekend where love is concerned I am convinced it won't be because I am in any way swayed by the beguiling (if not awkward) stare of Christian Grey. What am I missing here, friends?  Why can I not swoon?  Why am I incapable of finding Mr. Grey's broody demeanor in any way intoxicating? Am I the only female alive that finds moody, complicated men selfishly annoying? Am I the only one who sees this photo and wonders why they look painfully worried (if not constipated

.In Black and White.

July-Somethingeth  in Review in B+W


As I sat in the restaurant directly across from you my heart was full.  Like every time we are together, I was stopped by a stranger asking if you were my daughter. I smiled nervously, knowing only moments before you had dropped red jello all over the floor of Souplantation. As I responded "yes", the kind woman's eyes widened as she exclaimed "she's really, really cute!" As I replied with gratitude she continued on the way they always do, as if to add "and I'm not just saying that..." I said my thank yous again and as I sat there I began to write out how wonderful it feels to have so many people in the world touched by your presence.  To see them smile, laugh, stare in amusement while you try to carefully shovel slippery jello into your mouth... It made me proud to know you're mine.  What I dub your "Interpretive gymnastics" is your latest, er', interesting thing.  It is when all of the other kids in your c

These Summer Days: Photo Intermission

Does it count as blogging when you post pictures?  Jessica so cleverly made these collages (she's the collage-queen).  I thought they were sweet.  I've known these ladies for over 20 years...ooph!   Some photos of my beautiful daughter on one of my favorite days of the year (4th of July!)   And celebrating birthdays with my 3 Cancer girls, baseball and celebrating my 35th (again!) with (more!) dear friends These are some of my favorite summer days... so far...