
Showing posts from March, 2013

5 Habits I'm Sure I'll Never Break

5. Staying up too late on a work night. It's sort of a problem. 4. Eating most of the cookie dough before I've baked the cookies. 3. Over-researching just about everything. And then comparing the analyses to more research. 2. Curling my lips under when I am really, really concentrating on work or anything else. 1. Listening to my Pandora station while blogging while thinking while working while reading song-lyrics while wondering if I shouldn't be going to bed soon while sitting in my underpants. I can't get enough of my Janet Jackson/Ne-Yo/Aaliyah station tonight. Ne-Yo does strange things to me. And this baby-making jam will never get old:

Oh, Jess

Oh, Jess.   You make me laugh.   You're crazy... but you already knew that, huh?   Jessica, I've known you for over half my life, which just made us sound old, but we're not old...   Right?   Not that the treadmill will ever know because you refuse to tell the treadmill your age.   And you know what my favorite thing about you is?   You're consistent.   It's one of the few absolute deal-breakers for me when it comes to my friendships,   and you've always been the same.   Not one of those loose cannons that you never know what to expect from,   The ones who you never know what they're thinking about,   And have to wonder whether your next encounter will be fun or drama-filled.   No,   You're always the same.   I value consistency in a world of what-ifs.    I value you.   We must have met on some soccer field, and I must have thought you were insane and opinionated and loud and so talente


I'm over-exposed. I'm under-developed. I'm ambitious. I'm cautious. I'd wear my heart on my sleeve, if you were to ask me... Don't ask a vague question, If you expect an honest answer. Speak what's on your mind, And I'll assure you with my response. Awkward, Odd, Unsure aren't terms I understand When what I value is certainty, It's crystal-ball faith, Most certainly. I speak in circles, But if you pay attention, My message is clear, My message is clear, My message is clear.

New Words... AGAIN!

They're coming rapidly now... must not forget... must give credit due! Water, Wet, Where?  Often said while shrugging shoulders and eyes scanning back and forth "Where's the dodgy?" is the favorite. "Funny".  (That one spilled out today, along with a giggle). Bafth (Bath), Benny (what she call's our family dog, "Penny"), Bird (which includes pigeons, crows, butterflies, airplanes and UFO's) Schleepy, Fries (not 'chips'.... she's definitely proving to be more American than Brish), Fall, One...three... (where's two? she's so impatient...) and "ew" often followed by a gag sound (she's so dramatic!) Oh Sayler!  Slow Down!  Mommy wants to keep track of everything...!...

All The Things She Said

There are those lyrics from that one, Euro song: All the things she said All the things she said Running through my head Running through my head Running through my head (Running through my head)     It's a fairly lame song.   But, I can't help but find that all the things she said, are, indeed, running through my head.   Since I fail to make note of each and every new word our little Saylitita says, I though I would make a list.... here it goes, let's hope I don't forget many.   Mommy.  Often said 10 times in a row. (This is one of the favorites but is slowly moving down the ranks on mornings when she is harassing me to open my eyes.)   Daddy.   Dodgy.   Banana, Orange, Apple, More, Mine, No, YES (another favorite since she she sounds like Sean Connery " Yesh".)   Here, Hot, hat, Uh-Oh, Lady (in the tone of 'Jim Dear' from Lady and the Tramp)   'BYE! Syyalrt' (in what can only be the cutest attempt to

The Potty Train

It's true, isn't it? I am such a cliche mom that finds conversations about potty training utterly fascinating and life-altering.... yes, that's me. And the things that once would have ta-otally grossed me out no longer ta-otally gross me out. I've seen it all... and my kid's not even quite 2 yet. And what has the little prodigy been up to lately? Too, too, too much. But the greatest and oddest is that my daughter is potty training... Herself. Because Lawd knows I am so busy I can barely find time to wash and condition my hair that I continually weigh the potential benefits of a 2-in-1 and ponder whether I shouldnt just pour my coffee over my cereal so I can cram eating and drinking each a.m. into one feat. My daughter, on some level, must have acknowledged that mommy wasn't going to take on the task of potty training anytime soon so she took the initiative herself at 21 months. Admittedly, Sayler's been quite the exhibitionist for some ti