
My dad taught me how to tell time.

He also taught me my multiplication table. 

I was better at the multiples than at the time-telling.

To this day, I will glance at a clock, blink twice, and interpret the time.  It takes me a half-moment longer than anyone else, it seems, to read that clock, which is a little awkward at my age.

Like most small children, I learned how to count money quickly.  But knowing my coins is what gave me a lot of trouble as my father and I sat at the kitchen table.

He drew pictures of clocks, all with different times.  And he was ever-so -patient with me as I did my very best to understand why there were 12 digits, why there were 2 hands- "why, daddy, why?"

And I am sure he sighed with regret when he took on the task of explaining what a quarter hour was.  I distinctly remember glowing with pride when I understood that a quarter hour MUST mean 25 minutes!  Because, of course, a quarter equals 25!!

He really, really, really struggled with that one.  I didn't quite accept that a quarter hour was 15 minutes.  I didn't do very well on that lesson....

But how wonderful that he took the time, anyway.


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