
Half-Year by cambrialana
Half-Year, a photo by cambrialana on Flickr.
Today we celebrate half-year.

6 months ago today I was waiting on my little girl to arrive.

I was in an awkward hospital gown, in a bright hospital room with my wonderful husband.

Over the last 6 months I have been more tired than in all my life. I have been challenged in new and delightful ways. I have been amazed.

I have cried with frustration. I have cried at first smiles and laughs.

My heart has melted many times over.

My bonds with many have been strengthened because of her, while I have been able to see, clearly, those ties that weren't quite as strong to with-stand the changes in my life.

My daughter has taken all of me.

She has replaced it with everything.

And more.

More than I ever imagined I deserved.

More than I ever thought I could handle.

More than the words "Thank You" can express to our Creator.

I am in awe of this little person.

This daughter we wanted so desperately.

We love you, Sayler. You give us a reason to be joyful in the mundane, a reason to be hopeful in seemingly hopeless circumstances and you give me light through the shadows of the disappointments that are thrown our ways at times.

You are not responsible to make us this happy in all our days. That weight is not yours to bear.

Our only hope is that you will be happy, content, fulfilled, nurturing to your friends and animals...

That you will always want more,

That you will be forgiving of yourself,

And of those that disappoint.

We dream of you having dreams of your own,

We pray that you will be proud of yourself,

With all the magnitude of pride we have for you.

And in the moments when you can't find the strength to be content, proud of yourself, fulfilled or forgiving,

Those are the days that your mom and dad and all those that love you will have enough to share with you.

Just as you have shared your love and light over us when we've needed it most,

We will return the favor.

Happy Half-Year, Sayler.

Mom & Dad
Sent From Blackberry Wireless


Anonymous said…
M & T said…
very touching Cambria...she's so lucky to be part of such a loving family and you both are wonderful parents...every child born in this world should be so loved! Keep up the blogs, we look forward to each one!

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