To My Valentine, From Sayler

My name is Sayler,

and this is my very first Valentine's Day.

Some day, I will be accepting far too many "Be Mine" candies and sweets and letters of love from would be suitors.

But on this February 14th, my daddy will be my Valentine.

He's the first man I've ever loved.

It's the first kiss from a boy that isn't icky.

It's warm hugs,

Laughing together

and the first man's hand I'll ever hold.

He is the strongest man I'll ever know,

and he can fix almost anything (according to me anyway, my mommy is still waiting for the plug in the kitchen to stop dangling from its socket).

He promises to let me dance on his feet,

and sneeze bogies on him without judging me.

He is the man that I will judge all other men by when I am an adult.

And they say girls marry men like their fathers....

I should be so lucky.

A man that is kind, witty, handsome, smart and most importantly,

A man that is loyal and treats a girl like a lady- with respect, admiration and dignity.

I hope to someday (in like, 30 years) to meet a man that works as hard as my daddy does.

A man that goes to work everyday even when he'd rather sleep in or play games or watch the footie.

He gets up early so I don't have to (although I do.... toooooo early, mama says).

He works hard so that I can have everything I need.

He is the man who will teach me all about European soccer leagues and how it's only okay to yell when our teams lose.  I will be able to effectively judge restaurants with the best fish n' chips and bangers n' mash, who the Queen Mother is and I will know where the Industrial Revolution started and stuff like that. 

Daddy is my favorite politician,

My favorite chef

And the most talented musician in all the world.

Happy Valentine's day, Daddy!!  I Love You!


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