My Littlest Valentine: Review in Photo

had a nice, relaxing Valentine's weekend and somehow managed to pass out each night since Friday before 9 p.m.  The pink and yellow roses Lloyd brought home brighten my kitchen window and the lovely card with his enduring sentiments rests atop the mantle.  But as the long weekend dwindles to a slow, crawling close, I hang out with just my littlest Valentine while Lloyd plays in his weekly Sunday soccer game. And these are the recent images that remind me of how crazy in Love I am with this little beauty:

Smooches Before My First Half-Marathon

At KB's Baby Shower

At John's Incredible Pizza Making Our "That's Incredible!" Faces

And again, at John's, displaying our mutual enthusiasm for our "matching denim jackets!" (Her idea, not mine... She's masking her glee behind the faux frown)

And Commemorating Our Saylerbration of a First "Official" Pedicure in Photo

This is my littlest Valentine. Seriously... Crazy in Love. 


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