
When I was a kid, there was no one that snored more loudly than my father.   And much like the sound of a bear snorting as he slumbered in the woods, it was slightly frightening, quasi-ominous and seemed to forebode that no one in proximity would sleep well. I didn't think I could ever know another who caused so much restlessness...

And then I met my husband.

Pushing him to his side and huffing "you're snoring again!" is not an unusual occurrence at Caza Birch. He's a good sport, ol' Lloydy is... oftentimes taking heed immediately or suffering the ongoing painful rib nudges I throw his way as the night carries onBut just when I didn't think I could ever know yet another who could cause so much restlessness...

I birthed my daughter.

Houston, we got another snorer.

And I will miss their snoring..

Just kidding.

I won't.

But I will miss some other things, surely, as "they" depart in 2-days time for England.

I stare at my daughter now, nibbling away on cheese, crackers, apples and raisins.  It was the lunch choice of least resistance this afternoon.

We sit, facing one another, her idly and deliberately affixing a piece of cheese to each cracker that invariably breaks and I tapping away on my computer.

She's all I can think about lately.

And it must be because she will be going away on a big trip.

And though I will follow her and Lloyd shortly thereafter, I can't help but want to soak up all the fun, joy, nibbles on crackers that I will need to sweep up after and the sweet serenity of watching her slumber beside me... well... er'... sweet until the noises kick in.
It isn't every night, but enough nights that I have to promptly remove myself from our bedroom where she and the genetic culprit both sleep.  If it's not one, it's the other, and Lord have mercy when it's both, in unsymphonic unison like a Guantanamo torture act.
Waterboarding never sounded like a kinder alternative.
I must resort to the guest chambers on those evenings (please let me call them 'chambers' without rolling your eyes... it sounds so regal... let me pretend...)
But I wonder if the lack of late-night vibrato will also keep me sad... awake... alone in the stillness... The sound of silence...
I'm gonna' sleep like a BABY!  And my house is going to SPARKLE!
If only for the 2 days after they leave and the 5 before they return back home (I'll be visiting them sometime in-between) my house is seriously going to be a lot of mud masks, RnB, Hip Hop, Gwen Stefani mashups, singing too loudly, dancing in underpants and late night snacking without having to share.
P.S. As if my life couldn't look any more restful or colorful for the next couple weeks the UPS man delivered the long back-ordered Naked 3 palette from UD today which means I will be playing a healthy amount of dress-up-clothing-makeup-montage by myself during the Lloydy-Sayler trip to the UK.  And to those that think that sounds ridiculously juvenile I say "I KNOW!" with a massive grin.


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