Ice Cream

He doesn't know it yet.

But I know it and I don't want to get in trouble for tossing the Vanilla Bean Dreyer's Ice Cream, so I need to let everyone know why I threw out the pricey  treat.

Frankly- it was long melted by the time I discovered it- sometime around 3 am when I crept downstairs for a snack with AJ.

I was exhausted from a 3 hour stare off with my baby.  I had been doing my best to lure her into a deep slumber, though she was intent on being awake to watch me like a hawk- ensuring I found no position comfortable to be in, cautioning me to not move or dare nod off as I hunched over her, cradling her close- the only place she wanted to be between midnight and that fateful 3 am hour.

And as I opened the fridge, the lights within reflected to the items placed above the fridge- a spot generally reserved for sweet things to keep from Sayler's view (though not reach, sadly, as she mastered climbing atop counters and appliances long before turning a year old.).

Out of sight- generally out of her curious hands...

And there, next to the chocolate chip cookies, was the ice cream. 

I picked it up- the weight of the warm viscous cream in my grasp, as I clutched AJ in the other.

I promptly tossed it, quickly remembering days prior when I had found the ice cream in the fridge instead of freezer.

And this is how I know Lloyd must have something on his mind.   Some distraction that prompts him to put the ice cream out of place not once, but twice.

And since I am notorious for putting things in odd places when I am tired (e.g., keys in the fridge... My gps in the rice cupboard...) it is a possibility Lloyd has acquired my fatigue-induced- confusion-syndrome (FICS).

But I don't think that's it.

So I will ponder this great mystery.  I will also be curious to know when he'll notice the missing ice cream. 


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