
Wise people often suggest that if you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anything. That is much the reason I haven't blogged the last few days.

I am trying to get through a tough week. I don't like to play victim, so I won't blog for the sake of reassurances. Let's just skip past that, shall we?

It might be my suppressed immune system leeching into my brain, causing me to think things are worse than they are. A gnarly head cold that lead into sleepless nights where I refused to take medicine because I am a stubborn brat caused me to feel out of sorts. An angry customer who made me feel small was the first call I got when I got back to work on Tuesday morning. He was one of those condescending mean dudes who has a foreign accent. Not an annoying accent, something more like Eastern European with an air of "I am so smart in 3 languages". He used big words that he probably assumed I didn't understand. Sometimes I play along because, lest we all forget, the customer is always right.

This dude bugged me, but after I made my points as to why he was mistaken he made points that countered mine, only to realize that neither of us were right. I had to acquiese to his demands because it was just easier to do that. I decided to give the dude what he wanted so his negative juju wouldn't continue to permeate into my usually-blissful-aura. Plus, my head was throbbing from sinus pressure. Mean dude + stuffy nose= no bueno.

Wednesday had me begging for Friday and Thursday found me begging for October. I am literally over September. I am a big supporter of not wishing time away. When I was a kid I wished to be older like my sisters so I could drive and have a social calendar. I remember telling my mom that I wished I was older and she gave me an unforgettable look and said "Don't wish your life away".

It was a rare serious moment for her so I took it to heart. I never wished my life away after that. To this day when times seem dull, sad, or endless I say to myself "this too shall pass" and I remember those words my mother spoke.

So let's escape the desire to wish the rest of this endless month away, shall we?

The Good News is...

....This September shows great promise in the garden. One batch of our potatoes are starting to root and there is something so breath-taking about a leaf waking up in our garden. One day you are pouring leftover coffee over dirt, the next there is a green head staring up at you. I will stare at it and blink. I will look at it from another angle to be sure I am not seeing some sort of optical illusion. It is beautiful. I will usually smile and feel a sense of accomplishment, much of which should really be given to Lloyd, who has a tender planting hand. Left completely under my watch I bet the garden would shrivel and die with lack of care, or drown from an experiment of over-watering under the assumption it might make the plants grow faster.

Little impatient me.

But I do help. I help turn the compost. I carry water pitchers to the far reaching corners of the garden to pour over my strawberry patch and wildflowers. I will silently scold the cat that has left paw prints and evidence of digging over our carrot plot. I will lightly touch the top of our onion head and think about the day it is ready to be pulled. I can't wait.

Little impatient me.

Sometime over the next few weeks we will plant our lettuce, more onions and tomatoes. Next spring, I am hoping to plant my first pumpkin. That way, this time next year I can await its gorgeous, humongous arrival. I love pumpkins. They are my favorite.

Last night I got around to making pizza dough- all of which I refrigerated- so that Lloyd could make a pizza for us this evening. It tasted wonderful, and I felt that sense of accomplishment biting into the bread, knowing that I made it.

Between you and I, I think I added a bit too much yeast into the dough, because the crust literally had a taste of beer in it (the yeast). It was pleasantly strange, but it was all mine.

So things are looking on the up and up.... I am making the most of my September. I am not wishing my life away...


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