Hair Ye', Hair Ye'

It's time for a hair change.  I realized today as I stared into the mirror that my hair has been looking a bit like.... it did a few months ago and.... a few years ago.

I'm not "that girl" that always has the fabulous hair.  I am content with being that one girl that throws her hair in a pony and can't remember if it has been a day... or two... or three since I last washed it. 

What I realized today, however, is that my blissfully happily married status has left me a complete bore in the hair department.  I used to color my hair after every break-up or break-down.  If it wasn't the color it was the chop.  If it wasn't a full fledged chop it was, at the very least, side-swept bangs or a few extra layers.  I mean.... if these follicles could talk....

The same pretty much goes for my weight.  The ups and downs are gone.  The occasional emotional wreckage that was me in my early 20's reached for fast carbs and swallow-my-pride-pie.  Then the fitness freak would rear her sweaty head and I'd be all about the shape-up to ship em' out plan. 

Ahhhh the days of my life's roller-coaster.  I don't miss you, at all.  But.... I fear the complacency of my jeans and my split ends.  Being drama-free is aiding and abetting the recession by not having me see the hairdresser.... or the elliptical machine.

Suggestions are greatly appreciated my friends!  Although, nothing inspired by life-drama.  ;o)


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