Wanna Dance With Somebody

I have a favorite music video of all time.  It is Whitney Houston's "Wanna Dance With Somebody".  Even as I type this, I can see her with that large coif of gorgeous hair, that jean jacket, and that smooth waltz slide she does.  Love me some 80's Whitney.  Those pre-Bobby days. 

It's awesome when you are a kid and you don't know how things work.  One of the reasons I loved that video was because I thought she was just SO gorgeous and I always wondered how her hair looked so awesome.  It took me an embarrassing amount of years to understand that women can wear wigs and hair extensions and weaves and all of these other glorious pieces to make their hair large and in charge.  I would tease my hair for hours on end and beg the good Lord to give me long, luscious, curly locks- just like my Whit .  This naturally flat, stick straight hair that tangled under the duress of my childhood.  And then there was the jacket.

I wanted a jean jacket SO badly I could smell the denim in my dreams.  We couldn't afford a jean jacket, but I found one at a McDonald's once.  As I saw it lying there, long abandoned on a swivel chair of that french-fried palace of a Mickey D's,  I thought of Whitney.  I swear it.  To this day, when I don a jean jacket I think of Whitney and how badly I wanted to be her.  And yes, to answer the question you are dying to ask- I do still wear a jean jacket from time to time thankyouverymuch.

My siblings and I would record videos on VHS and this video was among them.  I would play it... rewind it... play it again... rewind it... and scan my closet, or perhaps a siblings' closet for any outfit that might bear some semblance of a Whitney outfit.  I would mimic that slide-clap-slide she'd do and I looked amazing, if only in my own delusional imagination.

If you haven't heard the song or seen the video in a while, youtube it.  I swear it will change your life, and your wardrobe.


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