Thankful For Friends...

On Wednesday evening we had our first annual "Thankful for Friends" evening.  It was our way of celebrating the friendship we have sustained through the last 16 years of our lives.  The friends that have seen me through crushes, loves, loss, dreams, oopsies, minimum wage, careers and failed weight loss goals.  These are the friends I've known since middle school or freshman year of high school.  These are the friends who brought along their own families and significant others to delight us with their presence.  This was the first annual "Thankful for Friends".

I love the children.  I enjoy the sounds of stomping and wondering if the ceiling will give way to their Rock Band triumphs.  I revel in the look on their moms' faces as if to say "I am so sorry..." and they rush to call up the banister their bribes and warnings.  It makes me smile.  And I will say to them that it is all okay.  The things in my home are just possessions.  A memory forever etched in their minds is what is valuable.  How honored I am to be a part of their holiday.

I take comfort in seeing them truly make themselves at home.  Lord knows I won't serve them.  Not that I intend to be a bad host, but I can usually be found in a corner laughing and catching up with another.  And I will glance as they fish for utensils, pans, washcloths and dishes from the cupboards of this home we love.  This home we love to have our friends and their families in for this first annual "Thankful for Friends" day.

And one thing I love to do is make s'mores.  And I took such joy and care in passing along the hangers-turned-marshmallow-roasters to the children.  These children that I love so much.  And because I don't have children I was totally freaking out that one of them would catch fire sitting 'round the pit, or stab one another with a hot marshmallow, or a blanket would catch fire and then the neighbors's house would catch fire and....  In the back of my mind I made a mental note to keep a water bucket handy the next time.  But the mommies and daddies just knew that wouldn't happen and so they carried on in their laughs and conversations while I passed along crackers and chocolates, preparing for a toasted child and fearing their mommy would no longer want to be my friend after that.

My husband and the gents were here and there.  I could hear their deep voices, but... like a mother that hears the cries of her children, I could hear the call of hot gossip amongst my girlfriends.  And I would yell "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!!" while grabbing a bottle of chardonnay and dashing to huddle amongst them. 

And some stayed up well past our adult bedtime.  I crashed by 1:30 and left my guests to their own devices.  They know where the blankets and pillows are.  I haven't the slightest clue what time my wonderful husband came to slumber beside me.  He was enjoying those last hours of moonlight amongst these friends that we are so Thankful for. And we woke to the sounds of more Rock Band and what seem to be genetically enhanced children with their unbelievable amounts of energy.  These children I adore. 


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