The Rain

The rain scares me.  But not usually.  Just right now as I sit awake listening to that fierce howl that's banging on my window.  And yet in this fear I feel a sense of amazement.  Listening to nature work, beat down on my rooftop, and remind me that there are many things in life I cannot control.  And I know myself so well- and I am, admittedly, a bit of a control freak.

I am taking in that sound.  No music, no t.v. Just me, the wind and the rapid typing-backspacingovermistakes-more typing.  This storm will pass.  The Expressway that runs near my house will cease to flood, and I won't wait nervously for my husband to get home safely from work.

This morning I drove in that rain.  I left my house before the sun came up, and the wet sky fell on my face.  My adorable ballet flats became soaked as I ran to pack up items into my van for a busy work day.  No time to change shoes.  Out the door for a morning breakfast with a colleague. 15 hours later and those flats still haven't quite dried.  I worked in those squishy shoes all day, but it didn't bother me all that much.  In truth, I kicked off my squishies and dug my toes into the warm, barren carpet of a conference room at one of my schools.  It was a great day and as I stood there-barefoot but in a suit- giving an early morning presentation I could hear the tap-tap-tapping of the water on the door, begging for me to let a droplet in. Just a droplet.

Today has been non-stop rain.  But I am home safely.  My husband is fast asleep in bed, and I am grateful for the rain and it's reminder that, in life, there are many things I cannot control.


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