The Difference Between Men & Women: Part 1

The difference between men and women is why we bother going to the gym. 

Women go to the gym to lose or maintain weight.  (And those few naturally waif brats who need muscle definition, this blog is not for you...) And ladies, don't even start to say it's to "get more energy" or feel "healthier".  Stop lying.  You and I both want to look like Anna Kournikova and could care less if it gave us more "energy".  So zip it.

Men.  You funny, funny creatures.  You go to the gym to lose weight, too, but you also desire a body like Brad Pitt's in "Troy".  Beeeeeeee honest.  You sat next to someone while watching that movie and immediately felt less adequate.  It's okay. Most of us ladies don't need a partner with Achillean abs.  Seriously.

But ever since my husband and I started working out a bit more than usual (now that we're 30, we need it), our conversations have started to shift.

Women train to slim down, men train for war.

No really.  Lloyd has always been hooked on those shows on t.v. where men are men and are all scruffy looking.  He watches "Band of Brothers" and that one show with the scenarios of pitting samurais vs. Vikings or whatever.  You men know the one I'm referring to.  And I don't know if it's because he used to be in boy scouts or got his black belt in his youth, but this guy (like all men I have known, my brothers and father included) genuinely spends oodles of time thinking about their fighting strategies. 

Yes, even my Lloyd in all his gentle nature and love of animals and peace.

And when we depart from the gym his conversations immediately shift to those "what if" scenarios and how he would protect me, himself and the world at large in a worst case scenario.  He has even given me instructions on what to do in case of an atomic bomb.  My dude is a total dude.  It's bizarre.

What's bizarre is that he is not just musing, he is planning.  And whereas I plan what to wear to an interview or a wedding, he plans on how to build a fort worthy of sustaining us in a catastrophe. 

And while I am proud of myself for getting my main squeeze to watch "The Notebook" with me, there is just no denying that he is a dude, and I am a dame.


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