5 Colors I Love

For years I didn't think I had a favorite color.  In fact, the question always irked me a tad.

And it's on every friggin' survey, isn't it?  What's your favorite color? And because I love doing random, mindless surveys thanks to my myspacin' days, I had to encounter that awkward question on numerous occasions.

And I sat and thought about it yesterday and realized that the color I always come back to is gold.

But is it very cliche that my last name is Dorado and I love gold?

I'm not sure.

And most people born after 1967 find gold to be repulsive.  It's been all about the white gold lately, which I still need someone to explain to me- how is gold silver-colored?  I just can't wrap my head around it.

But it's not necessarily yellow gold but that brilliant bronzey, cheap-costume-jewelery gold that I adore.

It just calls to me. 

There is something ghetto-fabulous about it and yet it speaks 1980's-big-hair-royalty to me.  That was when gold was gold and it wasn't silver and it was divine. 

But now I am pouring all my energy into gold, when, in fact, I do have a love/like relationship with others.  Here are 4 more.

Pink:  Because nothing says "Yep, I'm a girl" quite like pink.  And the more elements of tacky fuschia the better.  I heart you, sweet pink.

Turquoise.  This color rocks.  Turquoise reminds me of a clear pool and you just wanna dive right in.  Nothing speaks "Come with me if you vant to live" quite like turqouise (Or was that Arnie in Terminator?).  There are, of course, 2 problems with turquoise.  1- it's a nightmare to spell and each time I have to correct it and 2. I am officially thirsty picturing the color.  Damn you turquoise.  Damn you.

Green.  Maybe it's because I'm soft-core vegetarian.  Maybe it's because I drive a hybrid.  I don't know.  But isn't green just so lovely?  And no matter what shade of green you come by (save for Kelly green, which is the most obnoxious of the green variety, wouldn't you agree?) it is lovely.  After the rains come, everything is green, and it looks like Heaven on Earth.

Black.  Ah yes.  Someone very clever out there is taking a moment to push his eyeglasses back whilst professing "but black is the absence of color".  My dear anal-retentive friend:  Tell that to any woman who demands to look 6 pounds lighter in a photo and see if you don't get punched square in the esophagus.  Oh, and yes, it's only 6 pounds.  Whoever said 10 pounds is seriously mis-guided and obviously very skinny.

Violet.  No, not you purple.  Violet.  That soft shade of an otherwise sullen color palette.  Violet, you roll off the tongue and warm up a room in your whispered hues.  And while I would never call you my favorite, I would call you a top 5, for sure.

Well. For this week anyway.  You know me.... I'm pretty fickle.


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