I Will Love

I will love to read to you.

I got your first baby book- "The Runaway Bunny" from Amy G. 

We love that book already, you and I.

I will love to turn the pages and look at the pictures with you.

I will buy you books for your birthday, and for Christmas too- just like my mom used to do.

And you might frown and it might take you a year or 10 to get around to reading that book, but every time you see it, you will remember there's a story in there that I want you to know about.

I will love to let you smell the book, because there's something so wonderful about the smell of books, old and new.

I will love to let you touch the pages, chew on the corners, and you might even decide to color in the books that are already so colorful, but I won't get mad- because those are your books.

I will love to see you slap the pages while I am trying to turn the page.

I will love to read to you.


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