Updates: Month 2

My sweet-tart, Sayler,

The bald spot on the back of your head is slowly starting to fill in... it stopped growing shortly after birth when you would rub your head from side to side as you slept, whimpered, fussed, scanned the room and swayed in your swing.

My little Angel,

You have outgrown your newborn socks.  I just upgraded to the 3-12 month ones and they fit nicely. Although I have upgraded, I keep a pair of your newborn socks mixed in with the bigger ones.  It's a daily reminder of how quickly you are growing... and there's a small part of me that must secretly think you will fit back into them...

My darling baby,

You have gone from beautiful smiles to an occasional small chuckle.  I will get a full-out giggle from you in no time at all!!  Your happiest time of day seems to be morning, when you look at me or daddy and just look so incredibly blissful and joyous.  My heart warms with your smile.  I hope you will smile every day of your life.

My beautiful daughter,

You go through SO many diapers, it's a wonder you manage to put on any weight at all!  I marvel and delight with every chubby roll you gain, at your double chin and round cheeks.  I hope you will never take it for granted what it means to be healthy.

My little sunshine,

Your gnaw on your hands all day long.  You seem to be trying to fit your entire fist into that tiny mouth... and you almost seem to do it!  The funniest thing is watching you try to put both your hands in your mouth at the same time.  It causes you to drool, drool, DROOOOOL all over whatever you are wearing.  It is strangely wonderful. 

My brightest star,

Will you ever take a pacifier?  You like to tease us by holding it in your mouth for just a moment and then... there it goes.... out of your mouth as quickly as I put it in.  You are so stubborn. 

My greatest gift,

I love you more each day, as impossible as it seems... as much as you drive me batty... despite the many diapers as I have to change, and despite all that drool I have to wipe off your perfect double chin.

You really are extraordinary.


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