
When I wash my baby's dark locks I always delight in how curly her hair becomes.  And after that Johnson & Johnson session, her hair dries just like her daddy's with soft, voluminous body.

Now, to be fair, daddy's hair only dries with such bounce and body when he uses certain shampoos and conditioners.  This is the tell-tale sign when daddy has been using mommy's expensive shampoo.  Daddy has tried to deny using mommy's pricey bottles, but mama knows better.

I remember the first time it happened.

I was sitting on the couch, waiting for my man to finish with what should have been a short shower- he's a dude after all.  After what seemed like an eternity my then-betrothed glided out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.  Now, I didn't see or hear him coming down the hall, but rather, I could smell him coming.  That sweet, honey-like essence that wafted my way.  For a moment, it was like a memory of something that I was familiar with, but I just couldn't pin-point.  That subtle floral scent... that clean vanilly-y, coconutty, wonderful. wonderful smell.

He came my way and as he stood there, happy and relaxed as though straight from the spa, I stared, perplexed. 

What was different about him? 

That volume!  Now, keep in mind that my husband is half-Jamaican and has a natural curly-ish thickness that can be hard to tame if it isn't cut and waxed just so.  Typically, his hair after a good scrubbin' comes out significantly flatter and I can attribute this to the fact that I buy him cheap shampoo.  Again, he's a dude.  A 2-In-1 from the discount aisle should be sufficient, no?
And then I knew.

The bastard had used my shampoo.

I asked, point blank "Did you just use my shampoo?"

Like a deer in headlights, he quickly answered, "No...." and attempted to make the confused "whatever do you mean, dear" face that always tells me he is lying.

I asked again- a tactic that works well when interrogating my husband.

"Did you use my shampoo?"

Lloyd:  "No... I dunno.  I just used whatever was in the shower."

I re-phrased the question.

"Did you use the pink bottle?"

Lloyd: "No.... I dunno.... maybe...."

But I already knew the answer.

I think he did too, although I will choose to believe that he just grabbed whatever was in the shower.  How he didn't realize that the smell was far too wonderful to put the bottle down and reach for the boring brown bottle I will never know. 

I gave him the benefit of the doubt...

That time.

A week later when it happened again I didn't ask.

I looked at him, or rather, the large coif upon his head and said,

"You used my shampoo again, didn't you."

He paused and pondered a moment whether it was worth it to lie, if only for a moment.

Instead, he looked down at his feet and sheepishly confessed,

"Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... it just... smells so good."

Now I buy Lloyd his own dude shampoo that isn't from the dicount aisle.  It isn't quite as pricey or sickly sweet smelling as mine, but it does the tricks:

Keeps his hands off mine and also keeps his hair from having a ridiculous soft-fro.


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