Day with Daddy

Today is Sayler's Day out With Daddy.

Mommy is so happy.

Yes, she will miss her baby girl, but she is too busy eating tortilla chips smothered in cream cheese and salsa to be too sad.

She is busy watching trashy reality T.V. shows and reading past magazine articles on celebrities who are divorcing, having babies, and in love triangles (most of which aren't true, but mommy doesn't care.)

Make no mistake that mommy adores her lil' Saylee, but mommy is also adoring this full day to herself.

It's the first.

In the past 18 weeks mommy has been by lil' SaySay's side every moment possible.  And the moments away are strictly for work and pumping breast-milk in awkward corners and bathroom stalls.



I am doing absolutely nothing.

More or less...

I think I might do some laundry,

but even that seems like a vacation.

Ohhhhhhh, my lil' wriggler,

How I revel in all your smiles,

but let's be honest,

you like to get hungry and fussy just as mama is ready to sit down for a hot meal.

And far too often mama has gotten tabasco sauces, pizza sauce, gravy, or some other condiment all over herself from trying to eat with one hand while bouncing her curious daughter on a hip.

And mama has to carefully time a glass of wine with your feeding sessions...

But today daddy is armored with baggies of boob juice for his lil' girl.

So mama is totally gonna' pump the juice, and then,

have an ice-old beer....

or two.

Today daddy will fumble with the stroller.

Today daddy will eat with one hand while bouncing and negotiating with his baby girl.

Today daddy will get a teeny bit flustered when you start scratching your face from fatigue.


Mommy will wine and dine herself,

in the comforts of her jammies and bun-tossed hair,

and she will love it.


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