
iRun to the store,

iRun to turn off the oven,

iRun to the market,

iRun to answer the phone,

iRun to my weepy baby,

iRun to the door,

iRun to take out out the trash before the trash man arrives,

iRun into people without make-up on and like, want to disappear,

iRun to grab the cat before he swats at my wee babe's face,

iRun to take Penny outside before she wee-wees on the carpet,

iRun up the stairs to grab something,

iRun down the stairs to grab something,

iRun around in circles to make the lil' one giggle,

iRun to the post office,

iRun to steal a kiss from my husband,

iRun, iRun, iRun...

I need a foot rub.


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