At 9... Updates on MissSayler

You really are magical,

Aren't you?

At 9 months I'm not sure if we could be more proud or more in love with you.

Your smile stops everyone that sees it.

It spreads from ear to ear.

At 9 months you walk with caution... a few steps and then... the 'learning-to-surf' maneuvers take hold.  It's that wobbly balancing act...

And then,

when you are firmly planted on all fours,

you move so quickly even the cats can't escape you anymore.

At 9 months you think you are so clever and love to feed mommy and daddy Cheerios and crackers.  You think it's just hilarious putting your grubby fingers into our mouths.  And today you stole my Luna bar before I had a chance to unwrap it, cornered the kitty ("Trouble") and tried to feed him that chocolately protein bar.  He was pretty annoyed, and yet you just kept shoving it in his face.

So determined, my young Padawan is.

You love people.... places.... car keys.... the simple things in life...

You are so nosey it's a little bit embarrassing-

When I hold you you try to climb over my shoulder to see who's behind me... when you can't see something around the corner you rubber-neck so far and stand so earnestly on your tip-toes.  ...And I admit.... it's not the most endearing maternal description when I tell people you are like an Exorcist baby...

..with your ability to sit in a high chair as we dine out.... bum firmly planted and yet... so anxious to see who's behind you and what they are eating that your head is facing a full 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

Super weird, babe.

I will try to coax you back into the conversation and crackers we have so carefully laid out on our table but you are more interested in the strangers behind us.  And you will stare.... stare..... stare... until...

They acknowledge you,



"Look at the pretty baby!!"

And then your work there is done. 

You smile wide, batting your lashes and then seek out the next stranger and stare.... stare... stare.... until they, too, notice you and pay attention to you.


What can I say-

You are your mother's daughter.

Your favorite thing to do is look under the furniture, maul small, unassuming kitties, and move your right foot in small, rhythmic circles when you are pondering a next move...

I think moving that right foot will stay with you for life-

Just like the way I tap my toes and don't even notice it when I am deep in thought...

You are really sweet.  You make facing the early morning less painful, you make racing home after work to pick you up more dangerous and make my days so incredibly full that I am now the cliche' parent that says "I dont know what I did before you were born..."

I know I say it, like, a LOT,

But I could never say it enough to express how much I mean it,

"I Love You."


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