Click-Clack: 11 Month Updates

Click-Clack, Click-Clack, Click-Clack...

It's the sound you make as you click your tongue and play, click your tongue and walk, click your tongue and ponder the next great escape from behind the carefully placed furniture meant to keep you confined and safe.

You love clicking your tongue.  You are so proud of the sound that emanates from where words will soon start to replace the click-clacking. 

And one evening, long after we'd put you to bed and embarked on some home improvement projects, daddy took to building shelves for your room.  His hammering was steady and ryhthmic,

Tap, tap, tap.

And as he paused to survey his work, from the other side of the bedroom wall we could hear you call back to his tap, tap, tap, with your own, wide-awake,

Clack, clack, clack.

We smiled at one another.

Like 2 dolphins, father and daughter, communicating from across a stretch of ocean you two communicated from the separation of walls in our home.

And now,

Lloyd or I might click clack our tongues where you will respond back with,

Clack, Click, Clack...

You have moved well past being a walker and are now quite the sprinter.  And to steady your small body as I chase you, you will hold your arms straight out in front of you, like a mummy on the run.

You have decided that instead of being a good eater you will just not eat much of anything, much to my dismay.  Where has my carrots and peas loving daughter gone?  You just can't stay interested in eating much of anything except cherry tomatoes, a little banana and your signature pasta dishes on occasion.

You went to your first pool party and daddy and I took turns floating around the pool with you, soaking up the warm rays of the sun that shone on your happy face.  Everyone at the party loved you and we can never be surprised.  When you are around, it is hard not to be happy,

to smile,

to laugh,

to feel completely lucky to be in the presence of your simple joys.

You are almost a year old.

The time moves so quickly.

Your hair is getting curlier by the day and it delights me to pin it back in a small clip.  Invariably, you will pull the clip out, look at it, and position it back on your own head and smile.  It will balance atop your delicate head for a few moments and slide off.  Like a good, style-conscientious mommy I will reapply the clip and quickly pray you won't keep pulling it out.  I will distract you in the hopes that you will forget that pretty clip is holding back the hair that could use a good relaxer and sometimes,

My strategy will work.

And Ill be able to get a photo like this:


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