
I speak Toddlerese.

Can I add that to my resume?

If not, I call foul.

Major foul.

I am quite proud of my somewhat proficient, bilingual Toddlerese.

I know that "ma" means "mas".... ("more" in Spanish")

I know that "Mama" means both mama and dada.

And I know the difference between "Here You Go...", "Thank You..." and "Peek-a-Boo".

...Others might not.

But as a parent you quickly pick up on the nuances of your child's language.

And although "Here You Go...", "Thank You..." and "Peek-a-Boo" sound almost identical coming out of my sweet baby's mouth, I know the difference between them.


Context is everything.

When Sayler's cheeks become craters and her hands haphazardly cover her eyes I know she is saying "Peek-a-Boo"...

And when she is urgently trying to hand me something that I just must have, she is saying"HereyGo".

And when I give her something, she is enthusiastically saying "Thank You."

Who Knew "Da-Doo, Dee-Do, and DadaDoo" could mean completely different things?

I knew.

I speak Toddlerese.


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