Dodgy Bapple
Not together.
Always apart.
"Dodgy" is your latest word, sweet Sayler.
A few weeks ago I became suspicious when you pointed to a picture of Eeyore and said "dadgy".
"DOGGY!?" I squealed. To which you looked at me blankly and again said "Dadgy". It sounded awfully close to "daddy" and although daddy doesn't resemble a blue donkey, I decided to not give credit where credit wasn't yet due and I left the new word to linger in vocabulary purgatory.
As the days passed, however, it was evident that "dodgy" was your new, well-credited word.
Every dog we see or hear barking you immediately identify, point, make your 'uh-oh' face and yell "dodgy!".
The Christmas sea lions in our front yard?
Those, too, are dodgies.
The bird at Target that we fed Goldfish too?
That was a "dodgy".
And every other animal, monster, creature or crawling, slinking amphibian is,
You guessed it,
A "Dodgy".
"Bapple" is also new to the vocabulary. "Bapple" is your second favorite fruit, right behind a "Nana", which you can eat 1-3 full ones of each day.
You prefer your bapples peeled. You also prefer your nanas peeled and sliced, you Princess-in-training you.
Other new words for my 18 month old baby girl?
"Ear" which is code for "Here" when giving me something, and was shortened from her earlier version of "EEye'Go".
You always give mommy a kiss, wave and say "Bye-Bye" when daddy carries you off to bed where you slumber beautifully.
"Mine" is on the list, but thankfully random and at the moment just a guest star in your daily lingo.
Our favoritest thing at the moment is the way you nod your head 'yes'. You can generally only nod once because the weight of your heavy, emphatic nod almost knocks you over.
You still love to count, 1-2... before sliding down the slide in our loft and you are such a good mommy to your baby doll. You like to wrap your doll in a blankie and rock her and pat her on the back. You also take your baby for short walks in her stroller. Sometimes, though, when you can't get the stroller up and running you will throw it and have a bit of a tantrum.
You like to hide your blocks in your pink kitchen microwave and cupboards and you LOVE lotion. You instinctively extend your hand every time you see me with anything that resembles creamy goodness so I can put some on your hands.
You love a good rub with lotion on your little piggies.
...I have an inkling you will love a spa pedicure just as much as mommy does one day in the near future...