All The Things She Said

There are those lyrics from that one, Euro song:

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
It's a fairly lame song.
But, I can't help but find that all the things she said, are, indeed, running through my head.
Since I fail to make note of each and every new word our little Saylitita says, I though I would make a list.... here it goes, let's hope I don't forget many.
Mommy.  Often said 10 times in a row. (This is one of the favorites but is slowly moving down the ranks on mornings when she is harassing me to open my eyes.)
Banana, Orange, Apple, More, Mine, No, YES (another favorite since she she sounds like Sean Connery "Yesh".)
Here, Hot, hat, Uh-Oh, Lady (in the tone of 'Jim Dear' from Lady and the Tramp)

'BYE! Syyalrt' (in what can only be the cutest attempt to say "See You Later!"), 'Thank You', 'Please' and 'Sorry'.
Off, On, Owie, Hurt,
Arm, Eyes, Mouth, Nose, Feet, Shoes, Socks, Shirt and... Armin.
(What is 'Armin'?)
Armin is when you put your arm through the hole of your shirt.  Since the dawn of time when I would get Sayler ready I would say "Arm In" as we fit each tiny appendage into each tiny t-shirt and coat.  And now... as we get her ready each day she will, in a well-rehearsed voice say"Armin!".  I will often hear her telling her baby dolls to put their "Armin!" as she fits them into the straps of her carseat.

"Stopit" (usually said emphatically) and "Want it" (equally pleading)

Dankit (Blanket), Diaper, Bottle, Water, Milk, Yoosz (Juice), Eat (the first word she says when she wakes up most mornings...) and Trash.
And a close-runner up to the favorites-list?
.. "Kiss" when she reaches in toward me, grabs my cheeks, and plants a big one on my face to say, without saying "I Love You" (I'm waiting for those 3 precious words to come tumbling out... for now I'll settle for the "Kisses" and "Uggs".)




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