Favorite Things: Age 2

I have so many favorite things, Sayler. 

I gave up long ago trying to count your words because it seems as if overnight your vocabulary doubled and tripled and took on a whole new way of our family communicating with one another.

We speak in Saylerloquys, often using your made up words and mis-pronunciations to talk about... anything.

Coffee is "Foffee" and I am almost disappointed when people use the word 'coffee' correctly around our impressionable daughter for fear we will lose the joy of hearing her say "Foffee" as we pass Starbucks every day.

"Body" is the funniest verb ever and we aren't 100 percent certain where it came from but when you pass gas you make the funniest "uh oh" face and say "OOP! BODDDY!"

And oftentimes as we pass through crowds while shopping and a stench from yonder passes our way Lloyd will remark "someone totally bodied over there..." or I will cock an eyebrow and ask, unequivocally, "Did you just body?"

And my other favorite things are:

The sounds you make when you laugh while being chased, the way you jump and skip, the way you hold your crayons and pens with your left hand and focus intently (aside from when you used my lipstick as a crayon on our semi-new dining chair...signhhhh), the way you insist I come with you by saying "'mon, mommy, 'mon...", the sound of you saying your own name (C-Ler), the sound of you saying Ariel's name (A-we-ul), the way you insist on going "in the buff" around the house, the way you tell me to go away when you are going potty by yourself, the way you look in your Minnie Mouse bike helmet, the way you put your own hair clips in your hair (oh, dear...), the way you hug me so tight and pat me on the back, the way you sleep (except that it usually means I have been relegated to the guest bedroom once daddy's been a push-over and put you to bed in my spot... humph...), the way you "I sorry, mommy" and mean it, the way you say "better?"or "u okay?" to express concern.  The way you fall asleep in your inner tube in the lazy river at the water park. Every. time.

And there are many other favorites, sweet Sayler.  So many favorites.  Those are just a few.


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