5 Exercises I Don't Hate

I was in concert.

In my mind anyway.

In my car, anyway.

The world's longest work day brought me to a lot of fist-pumping in my car to Katy Perry Pandora. I sang so loud the Audi next to me seemed moved by my solo performance.  "You're welcome, Sir Audi Driver".
And thank You, Ke$ha, for not ever washing your hair and singing silly songs that I can sing along to obnoxiously. Songs like "Blah, Blah, Blah".  And Ke$ha and those songs made me think of the 5 exercises I don't hate.

1. Jog.  I won't get all cray and say "run" because the reality is that I just strongly desire a nice long, steady jog where I can sing along to my favorite jams.  To "run" suggests that I have purpose and speed.  To "jog" means I have no purpose but to uncoil some deep-seated tightly wound desire to move.
If it's under the moonlight: Even better.  If it is done alone, just my iPod and I: The best.  If I can fit in at least a few miles: I am fulfilled.

2.  Flys.  I love you flys.  It's one of the few exercises I can manage with relative ease and focus. 

3. Bicep Curls.  I love curls and not just because they remind me of exercising in the late 80's. If only leotards were still socially acceptable.

4. Jumping.  This is actually a love-hate.  Jumping jacks, jumping rope, burpees, jump-squats and the like are all borderline dreadful. But there's something about hopping around that reminds me of being a kid- and that's awesome.

5. Dancing.  That counts, right?
If this awful song doesn't make you want to get up and move, we probably shouldn't be friends... "It's not me, it's you..."
Ke$ha's "Blah, Blah, Blah" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3taEuL4EHAg


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