5 Things That Are Always a Good Idea

Here we go... I'm back to my "5's" lists... because they're so awesome.

1. A foot massage. If I were a secret agent I would give up all of our U.S. assets and allies for an aggressive rub-down on my arches... I like it rough.

2. Thai food.  If you haven't dined on some Phat Si Io with me you probably have no idea I hold a record for not needing to take a breath of air for an extended period of time.  It's THAT serious.

3.  Starbucks.  I hate being a cliche here, but I salivate just a little when I pass that weird green- lady-with-a-questionable-headdress-sign (that is what it is, right? I have no other way to describe that weird mascoty-logo-symbol thing they use)

4. Thai massage.  Okay... is it cheating that number 1 and 2 are similar to 4?  But they're not the same because neither 1 nor 2 involve the sweet, sweet painful pounding of a tiny Thai woman jumping on my back and pulling my arms (almost) off.  The place off of Archibald and the 60.  You're welcome.

5. Champagne.  I sound like a bourgeois snob but just to ease your mind and prove I'm not a bourgeois snob the evidence in this case proves otherwise.  Incident 1.1: I gave up vodka the day I flew to Kansas to open a store for work.  I vomited vodka cranberry all over my mom's carpet after a bit of a bon voyage and the stain has never really lifted from that pale blue carpet. P.S. taking a flight while hungover and heading to work= poor choice.  The cranberry stain reminds me I am never allowed to have vodka again.
Incident 2.2-14.9: I gave up Tequila after the nightmares of Jose Cuervo and whistles blowing and choosing questionable men and closing down Margaritaville many, many a night.  Ergo: tequila is out.  Incident 15.1: Boones, Mike's Lemonade and the Ilk: it turns out I'm not in my teens any more and can't look anything but ridiculous drinking those in public.  Incident 16.1: Beer.  Not bad, but a bit on the hoppy side. Hence...after a long,yet strong, case- I am not a bourgeois beyotch I just really like champagne. Pfew!

And those are the 5 things that are always a good idea!


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