Longways Away

My Birthday is a longways away.  Christmas is coming...kind of.  Well, Costco thinks so, anyway.

So maybe if I put this wish-list out into the world, these albums will find their way into Santa's workshop.  I could get them for myself, but I just selfishly acquired 4 new albums within the last week so I may be feeling the come-down from my purchasing high.  2 copies of Alt-J (one for Lloyd, one for my colleague Tara), Bastille and John Coltrane: you were worth it- was it good for you, too?

I did fit a few other things into the budget.  New eyeliner for Ariel from Sephora (A girl this cute deserves it).  And anyway, vegan eyeliners on sale are hard to pass up.

.. And I ended up with the usual suspects for Sayler.  Seriously... that Classic Library set?  How could I pass that up?

The John Coltrane album that had been sitting in my online cart for months dropped in price, beckoning me forth.  It was the final bid adieu to a weekend of spending my husband's paycheck (don't worry- the bills are paid).

And so, I am adding these other albums to the wish-list until Christmas.  If you know of any religions that celebrate gift-giving prior to the 25th of December, do let me know where to sign-up.







Thanks for having my back, Santa.


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