These Conversations

These conversations make my day.

They are the random musings, gossip, anecdotes, questions, good humor,  needs and "I Miss You" memos that I revel in.  The type of messages I need to make my day brighter... 

They are the plans I am making, the people I want to hear from, the small number sign next to the green icon that keeps me guessing who has me on their mind at that given moment.

And while I sit here in a mall parking lot while my little girl sleeps peacefully, I blog from my Blogger app and think about the funny conversations I can have with my loved ones... My friends... My colleagues... My siblings and the automated messages from Amazon that tell me my long-awaited packages have arrived. Vinyl albums that I can't find elsewhere, cleaning products that I just can't locate in any big box store, the perfect gifts for perfect people.

I love my conversations with Ariel.  Ariel keeps me sane. Ariel makes me laugh in the middle of work days and only Ariel knows what "toe sauce" is.  Ariel gives me the best advice and Ariel makes sure I know she misses me.  

And while I blog and think about the people I hope will drop a text and listen to my latest iTunes purchase...

I write... and muse and wait for my baby girl to open her eyes to run errands with me... I feel bliss by the brief conversations I have on any given day, at any given time with these people and the others who brighten my days. These conversations... I love them. 

They're the best... Right? 


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