These Words Are Mine

Who said "Actions Speak Louder Than Words"?

I want to talk to that guy.

It must be a guy...

I am certain.

I understand the purpose and point and practicality of such an expression,

I understand how we must be accountable for our actions,

and not confuse the honesty of what we do,

with the ease of words that leave our mouths,

oftentimes without much thought,

or consideration.

Perhaps I rely on the words too much,

When my actions seem insufficient.

When there isn't a chance to show or make actionable,

I am one of words.

The way they fall off the pages of a book,

and make me cry,

or laugh,

or scan,


unable to read fast enough to satisfy my curiosity.

The words that are in the songs,

That I carefully digest and interpret,

Perhaps erroneously.

Though it is likely the case that, whatever my favorite songs are at any given moment give some indication of what is on my mind.

The words that fall out of your mouth, oftentimes while I look at you trying to gauge how difficult those words were for you to find.

I am listening.

I am watching you move and think and search for the right ways to say, ask, tell, inquire...

I am careful with my words,

Perhaps more careful with my words than I am with my actions,

Actions that are spontaneous, seemingly intuitive, carnal, rote, safe, habitual, controlled... and oftentimes dictated by the circumstances of where we are and the ambient space we occupy at any given time.

I am not sure I can invest too much in the expression that actions speak louder than words...

The words that fall on this blog meant for no one and everyone,

They are chosen.

And what I write today may not mean the same tomorrow.

But that isn't to suggest that this doesn't matter, that it isn't honest or that it is in any way disingenuous.

As I lay these words out I wonder what your words are.

What would you like to say,

To ask,

What story would you like to share,

These words,

They mean something.

A couple older photos of my best girls:

P.S. I Love You.


BB said…
You are careful with your actions too.

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