
The tickets were bought, and it all happened so fast.

I definitely don't dislike Pearl Jam.  And it's enough that Lloyd likes Pearl Jam to buy their concert tickets for their show this weekend but I suddenly realized that I am not going to be able to sing along to most of the songs that they belt out on stage, and that makes me somewhat uncomfortable.

Because usually I can prepare.

I like to prepare.

I'd like to sway and hold up my lighter and scream with adulation when one of their 'secret' songs come on because true fans can always detect the "B" sides when no one else can.

I kind of like to know more than the people around me... or at least just as much... somehow it makes me feel safe.

But last night Lloyd asked me if I would watch Pearl Jam's Twenty documentary and as I sat and watched him watch the documentary I knew that it made him happy the way rock music just does.

I would be lying if I didn't confess that I liked watching that documentary....most of it, anyway.   I tuned out toward the end, realizing that while I adore the way Eddie Vedder's singing voice transforms my spirit, hearing him talk in that drunken, slurred vibrato of his was just annoying.

Less Talky, More Singy, Eddie.

So, without much fanfare or hesitation, 2 seats to the Coliseum were swiftly acquired.  And even though I am not their greatest fan, like, it hasn't ceased to amaze me how these concert tickets have made him so incredibly happy.

It's that easy.

Lloyd scoffed at the notion I would know less words to lyrics than anyone else. He think I am a lyrics master, which clearly means he doesn't pay attention to the struggle of a strong Black Queen like myself who feels most comfortable with Blues and R&B inspired music.  Give me some BB King and I will know the lyrics and sing it like I wrote it myself.  I will feel the struggle, man.

But throw some Alice in Chains at my face and I will shrivel up and cower at the threat of Karaoke or death.

Less Alice, More Alicia, Cambria

White people being angry and/or depressed into microphones = #seriously?

You can watch the (surprisingly good and will make you a fan) Twenty documentary on Netflix or Youtube:

Twenty, Part 1


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