Gorilla: Our one year old

We say you're like a gorilla.

Make no mistake: we think that's pretty much the best thing ever. 

I know as you get older one of the many, many things I will miss most is your extended belly.

The round shape that sticks out so far and creates an imbalance as you toddle forth... a side-to-side heavy footed motion that thrusts you forward- reminding us of a gorilla.

It doesn't help that you also squat like a gorilla.

Surveying whatever is on the floor in front of you. 

Carefully examining, using small, delicate fingers to pick things up....

You're like a gorilla. 

For now.

One day I will miss this gorilla stage terribly.

I will remember it, think on it, tell you about it. 

I'll tell you about your first word at 9 months: "mama", and your second dada" at 11 months.  

You have progressed to word number 3... "wow". And it's almost as sweet sounding as ''mama' is. 

I'll tell you about all these things...

Love, mommy.



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