Fresh Milk

We toddled downstairs,

My toddler and I.

This was after she woke up, many hours after I had awoken to tackle tasks...

She smiled sleepily as she joined me, lying in our guest bedroom where I had been tapping away, focused, clearing my correspondence-plate in anticipation of what would be a morning I could spend with just her.

A nice mid-week treat.

Somewhere between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. I worked.

I finished my pressing tasks and emails and even managed to get laundry washed.

I was sort of my own hero.

And so when she joined me I was able to put away my plate and snuggle.

She smiled as we stared at each other for a long while, words unspoken.

After the minutes passed, I affectionately cooed, "Hi, my baby" the way I do each day.

"Hi my baby mommy" she offered back, smugly.

She held my face close as she whispered, in an almost mocking gesture, but one I know is sweet and sincere and shared just between us.

And when we finally landed downstairs without much provocation she requested,

"fresh milk please."

And I smiled as I confirmed her order,

"You want fresh milk?"

"Yes, please".

And I don't know where or when she decided that milk would heretofore be called "fresh" milk and I am not certain if she is aware that, though organic, we buy our milk from what is known as a "store" and it is "pasteurized" and I most certainly do not "milk" the cow.

But as with most words and phrases she has adopted I have decided we will continue to call it 'fresh milk'.

And I was doubly pleased when she requested ice in her milk- just the way my father liked to drink his and just as I like to drink most of my beverages, including coffee.

I enjoy hearing my daughter refer to zebras as "breezas", and I am delighted that she refers to the iPad as an "iPan" and I am most pleased when my daughter refers to her friend Cassidy as "Caddisy".

It's hard not to revel in this age, though at times the occasional melt-downs have me wondering what has possessed my otherwise delightful daughter.

She thrills me each day.

She gives me a "fresh" reason to marvel and scratch my head and delight in what would otherwise be the uneventful days of my life.

I Love Her.


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