
It hasn't been but a few days and already I can sense the indulgence and dependability on this #Apple product.

I am not good at keeping surprises, so the Valentine's Day gift to Lloyd and Sayler presented itself early.  

An #iPad Air. 

Something to keep Sayler from my iPhone and texting my customers.  A place for Sayler to watch her movies and YouTube videos instead of on mommy's 'cmpootr'.  And a way for her to learn to take photos from this device instead of taking videos from my phone that she sends to people in my contacts list.  Because getting a text that reads "were you shopping at Costco today? I think you sent me a video..." is quite embarrassing.


It's something Lloyd can record music on and get excited about while deciding to show me all of the amps available on the Air while I attempted an indulgent soak in the tub.  As I lingered in peace, he stormed in with the smile of a 5 year old telling me about the features of Garage Band and scrolling through effects pedals.  I desperately wanted to respond with "no espeak rock" but I nodded along patiently and supportively as my bath water turned tepid.


This is the little helper that will keep my daughter amused and engaged on her long flight to the U.K.

This is the magical piece that will allow me to FaceTime with her while carefully scanning her background at all times for sharp, dangerous objects, would be kidnappers, too many Cadbury wrappers, toys painted in China, sockless feet in a freezing country, and any other items of concern. 

And I knew despite the benefits of this it was trouble when Sayler first saw Lloyd carrying the iPad and asked "is that an iPan?"...

Ummmm.... What?

How does my 2 year old know what that is?

Apple, your cultural grip on our youth is freaking me out. 

And since my daughter is watching Lion King on my cmpootr this a.m. I am blogging from the iPan and awkwardly typing from this keyboard face. 

I don't like to follow trends too closely. 

But damnit the pixels on this iPad are so vivid I could cry.


Our first FaceTime Experience 01/30/2014


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