Little Things

I sat on the floor of a messy room.

There were Legos to my left and wooden puzzle pieces strewn about and my naked daughter sat among all the Little Things.

It was her 3rd birthday on an otherwise quiet Friday.  She didn't know she was any older as I wept about all the Little Things I would miss about her being 2, while feeling some trepidation mixed with excitement over her turning 3.

Because when Sueann said she heard that boys experience "Terrible Twos" and girls experience "Theatrical Threes" I knew she was on to something....because there was little about age two that was terrible.

The tantrums were few and short lasting.   There was a sense of rationality to her fits and I could minimize them with soothing, if not comical, words at her expense. 

She loves me.

But she is becoming quite theatrical.

Age 3 has been interesting so far.   She spent the weekend chastizing Lloyd when he raised his voice, ever so slightly, in disagreement about a DIY project that was taking longer than expected.   Sternly, and without batting an eye she advised him to "calm DOWN daddy".

And it was quite effective.

Because we both became quite calm, if not bemused by her sharp words.

She has taken to key phrases like "that's cool" to show her confidence in choices I make on the daily. She is fairly interested in choosing what she will wear, the girlish frocks taking a backseat to her favorite summer shorts and casual pink t-shirts that show off long arms and legs.  Her lean stems are perpetually covered in small bruises that would cause CPS to raise a brow unless they knew how incredibly ballsy she was.
These are the Little Things.

She's my tomboy that loves to carry a purse and freshen up her lipstick before embarking on a journey to "d'shops". 
She has developed a keen ear for the ice-cream man and bemoans in a rather theatrical way when we have decisively said "no" to her pleas for a confection. 

These are the Little Things.

When she isn't interested in taking on a new physical feat at gymnastics class she will decisively look at her coach and say "No, I don't like that..." as though anyone enjoys doing a backbend.

And what I love most about these wonderful Little Things is her sense of humor, oftentimes mimicking her own previous tantrums and fears by saying "I go like this" (pretends to cry, rubbing eyes motion) to mock herself for a previous tear-filled session. It is indicative that even she is aware her meltdowns are sometimes irrational. 

Her self-awareness is awkward because I am uncertain how to teach her self-awareness when she is taking it on with such gusto.  She is having an effect on my senses, catching on to my dry wit and making it her own, while causing Lloyd to carry on in humorous tones lately.
Today he went on an unusual tangent about his doctor, hospitals and strobes and even added theatrical embellishments, waving his arms wildly while I looked on, confused yet bewildered by his recent wits.  Since I am usually the one carrying on in wild tongues and bedazzling every story with crystals and adornments I am learning to take a backseat to his and hers.

These are the effects on this household.  These are the Little Things.

I'm figuring out how to be a mom to a 3 year old.  The ride is starting off to be quite interesting if not theatrical.


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