These Summer Days: The Goodbye

Today, I guess what's different, is I have made grandiose plans to write the summer away with a pen and paper... Like the days of yore. 

It means I won't be able to write to the someones and no ones among the anonymous readers and to the 11 certain-subscribers to my blog.  It means my summer days and everything I'm trying to do differently will be in sloppy script instead of carefully spell-checked and back-spaced and Google-searched to clarify correct-meaning-words..

Today I decided the latent birthday gift I'd like to get myself is a new spiral bound notebook, or something else wonderful and pretty where my right hand can get exercise after too many years of non-use. Perhaps I'll pick up some colored ballpoint pens, because I used to love writing with colored ballpoints-  the ones whose ink you can see through the clever windows as they slowly dry out.  I hope I can find just the ones I used to love- I'm not even sure if they are made anymore.

The green one was always my favorite.

On old-fashioned paper, in colored ink, I cannot backspace. So perhaps there will be a greater semblance of truth, clarity and a greater sense of understanding as I embark on the second half of this quickly passing year. 

In pen I cannot erase the thoughts that pass that I know are completely irrational, slightly crazy and maybe so incredibly comical at someone else's expense.  

(I guess I can scribble over them, but that sounds like work, and I'm not quite that ambitious.)

It will be nice to get lost in the anonymity of clean paper, clean lines, colored ink and occasional hearts and stick-figures when I cannot drum up anything to write about.  

The love letters, the notes, plans, memories and reflections on bad and good days alike, those will be on white, surely-smudged paper in terrible handwriting that was once so pretty. 

If you next see me with a blister on my finger, it means my dream to write in long hand in the equally long, sunny days has come true. 

To each of you- have a wonderful summer.  I hope to be back to the blog in fall... 



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