These Conversations, Part 2

Last week:

Me (As I was cleaning, from a distant part of home upon realizing my daughter had been quiet for far too long):

"Sayler... Hey, what are you doing?..."

Her: "It was an accident..."


Sayler (randomly and without incident):  

"Mommy... are you mad wif me?"

Mommy:  "No, baby, I'm not mad at you..."

Sayler: "Oh... maybe tomorrow...."

And This morning:

Me (quite frustrated):  "SAYLERRRRR, mommy said to put the tops back on your markers!"

Her: "Oh, don't worry 'bout it..."

Me: (irrationally trying to argue): "Yes, I am worried about it!"

Her (casually): "Oh, it's okay mommy, don't worry 'bout it..."

Me (growing ever more impatient): "It's not okay!"

Her (still cool and collected): "It's okay, mommy, don't worry 'bout it..."

Rinse. Lather. Repeat. Ooph!

This girl is quite lovely but her nonchalance will be my ruin...


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