Week in Review: Welcome August...

Today is Saturday.

I will start the day with coffee and blogging and getting my little girl ready for gymnastics class.

I will take time to thank my husband for working diligently on a bathroom update- tearing out its guts, pulling up the cost-effective and hideous vinyl and builder-box vanity sink in a sad maple hue that accented an equally drab sink. (Forgot to take a "before" shot).  Here's our gutted bathroom:

And here's part deux:

Lloyd managed to get quite a lot done while Sayler and I enjoyed summer nights away with friends...

Lloyd eeked out some handiwork one night this week while Ariel took me to a Dodger game (her idea: a girl after my own heart)

We saw her boy, Yasiel, homer and my guy, Clayton, complete the series win against the Braves...

It was a week of working, careful planning, focus with occasional stares out the window to watch delicate hummingbirds visit our crepe myrtle tree and hibiscus...

It was a week of slow contemplation.

A week of trying to gather my thoughts.

It was a week of holding on, letting go, attempting to reclaim, ackowledging what might have defeated me...

It was a slow, appreciative week that I maneuvered with relative ease despite the long summer's haunting feeling that something was missing. 

And perhaps what I missed was myself. 

Because around here "spring cleaning" is always minimal and nothing less than a sign of what's to come.  

The "summer purge" is more like it... 

I rid my home of many unnecessary things, I cleared my head to be aptly excited for a new fall, and I let go, just enough, of pains that weighed on my heart. 

The week closed with a visit to Sayler's doctor for an annual check-up (she's doing great! And the little mini is still coming in, unsurprisingly, in the 10th percentile for weight). 

And I humbly watched my bestest girlfriends' kids play together at Brayden's 8th birthday party.

It was one of the fullest and happiest weeks of my summer entire.
I hope it's a sign of a sweeter 2nd half to 2014 and I pray my daughter decides to run around outside, just a few more times, in her underwear and without footwear before the year is out.


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