Oh, Sayler

Sayler @ Age 5 trying to retrieve a ricocheted hairband using a bungee cord.  #oyvey

Oh, Sayler....

You make me laugh.

You make naps sound like the greatest staycation fantasy. 

And I like when you say things that make me chuckle.

Like yesterday...

You stumbled upon a YouTube video (featuring toys) upon which you declared the wish for a "Baby Born" doll.

I placated you, as I always do, indicating "I'm not sure if the shops around here sell those..." To which you decidedly responded: "you can get it at Amazon dot com".

And earlier I asked "what do you want to watch [on TV]" to which you offered up the usual answer: "Clarence." 

And with a thoughtful pause you added: "Not 'The Bachelor'.... That would be weird".

Okay- I get it.

I am the only one who admits to being a fan of "The Bachelor" series franchise (Lloyd watches it too... don't let him deny it) and someday maybe you'll enjoy watching it with us instead of your usual cartoon favorites.

Oh, I certainly hope so! 



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