Sour Patch Kid

It's like putty.

The stuff you put over holes to fill them.

That's putty, right?

And I've discovered that no matter how much putty you put in the holes and cracks to make things better there will always be some voids, cracks, holes and hollows we cannot fill.

Sometimes the putty does a good job though... Doesn't it? 


And it continually surprises me that no matter how amazing and full of wonder and laughter the world can bring and give us, it will always leave us with holes, as well.

Sometimes you don't see the holes right away.

Sometimes, for a while, the hollows aren't so noticeable.

Sometimes they are there for days.... months... Years. 

Lying in wait to be felt.

And then one day to see or feel that hollow that cannot be filled is like a punch in the stomach.

Like bubbles in a tide pool coming to the surface. 

.all at once. 

And you will text one of your closest friends to say "I feel like I am losing my mind..."

And that is the putty.

Filling the hole with a moment of whatever the truth is today.

Acknowledging the reality of what no longer is.

Acknowledging the reality of what will be. 

Accepting that sometimes there isn't enough putty.

One of these days, soon, I'll get back to filling the cracks. 

Today might not be that day.


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