Confession: Diary of a hungry woman

We strolled the grocery aisles- a family of four.

We were hungry and homeless-looking, coming straight from a run and play at the park.  Our hands were probably dirty. Our clothes were sweaty. My "messy hair, don't care" bun teetered to one side of my head, reminding the world I needed a cut and color immediately. 

Within the store stood a small McDonald's.  

Lloyd nodded toward the menu. "Do you want anything?"

My face scrunched tightly, revealing my disdain for fast food. "It's still one of the things I can't eat, after all those years being a vegetarian..." I explained. 

I took another glance at the menu, pausing thoughtfully as I scanned- the rumble in my abdomen reminding me I was hungry. The look of disgust on my face didn't match the salivation in my mouth- the scenario took me back a year. 

In that moment, I remembered.

I remembered the random cravings I had while pregnant with Alana. One of them was specific: the Deluxe breakfast from McDonald's.

I confessed it to Lloyd. "You know the one with the sausage and the pancakes and the weird eggs...? I had it at least half a dozen times while I was pregnant with AJ..."

He stared at me while I told the tale of sweet syrup atop fluffy hot cakes and questionable sausage meat- a flavor combination so rare and distinct to McDonald's. 

It was difficult to tell whether he was aghast or impressed.

He didn't say much. 

We carried on in the store- me pointing out the random things I craved while pregnant with Alana- pulled pork (and barbecue foods, in general), corn on the cob, fried chicken from KFC once or twice...

I strolled the grocery hungry and unkempt.  I pushed Alana along in stroller and it all took me back to being hungry and pregnant. 

It's a difficult thing to explain- those random pregnancy cravings.  

Don't judge. 




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