Second Grader

Second grade is treating us more kindly than first, and we’re only 3 weeks in. 

Sayler lights up just a little brighter, her unintentional humor is a little bit more enlightening and the things she creates and experiments with are a bit more interesting. 

Here’s to the start of a new academic year- highlights of life with a 7 year old

- I bought the fancy, expensive, organic peanut butter to which my 7 year old informed me: “I don’t like that kind- mom, I only eat Skippy on sandwiches, and only Jif on apples”. Well, who knew?

- Lying in bed the other night we went through a series of “about me” questions.  She asked if I knew who she had a ‘teen crush’ on to which I said I didn’t know and she proceeded to tell me she had a ‘teen crush’ on another second-grader (named Aiden, in her class).  I was relieved it wasn’t an *actual teen. 

-When I asked her if she knew where mommy works she said “job”. I asked her what I did and she said “judge people”.  Er’ okay. Close enough, I guess.

- When she said she wanted a “Granilla bar” I corrected: “a granola bar?” To which she blankly stared at me and corrected me: “no, mom. It’s called a Granilla bar.  A granilla bar.” To which I humbly stood corrected.  It will heretofore be a granilla bar until she tells me otherwise.

I am working on my “mother-of-a-strong-willed-daughter” game every day.  I let her win, or at least effectively negotiate terms, every day.  Many moments it wears me down.  Some other days I am left without a rebuttal because her case is so strong. 

“Deal?” She’ll ask while staring sternly into my eyes.  At that point I’m not even sure if it’s a question.

I want to raise strong daughters. 

Take-no-sh*t daughters.

Even if it means sometimes I have to relent, acquiescence, see another side and reply with, albeit with a degree of uncertainty, 



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