And then there were 2

*I found this in Drafts- so here I am... publishing it 4+ years after the fact* 🤦🏽‍♀️

I have a newborn in the swing. 

I have a 4 year old making food in her kitchen.  And fortunately my kitchen is tidier than hers...

And if my newborn wasn't asleep- not nursing or crying or in need of urgent blowout assistance- my sigh might have been heavier when I heard the sound of a  falling cup and SPLASH!

I did not look at the mess behind me.

I sat quietly.  I did not acknowledge the splash.

Sayler paused quietly for only a second and then confidently added "I'll go get a towel..."

To which I responded "okay- go get a big one..." Because that splash was not slight.

Of course- I helped her clean it up.  

Some days there is no use sighing (*or crying) over spilled milk.  

Clean it up. 

Nestle back into couch.

Await other mess or food tragedy.





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